This is technical documentation for my Protocol0 Ableton control surface script. Context and goals on the GitHub readme.

This doc is here to shed some light on the script’s object model, a few techniques I’ve set up, and the tools I’m using for development. It goes from global discussion on remote scripting concepts / problems to tiny details about the script but is not a full technical documentation. Please read the GitHub readme first.

NB : This script is a selected_track/clip/scene control kind of script. Actions dispatched after moving knobs usually apply to what is selected in the set.

One of the first things I’ve done in this script it create my own object model so as to be really confortable. Even though most remote scripts probably use stock Live track objects I’ve decided to start with an explanation of the most complex stuff of my object model : tracks. What are the different track objects, and how do I generate them at script initialization and when the LOM changes. If this doesn’t interest you please feel free to skip.

Object Model

I’ve wrapped most of the Live objects. This allows me to do complex stuff, and it makes typing stronger. I’m using instead my own classes (tracks, clip_slots, clips, devices, parameters.. ). The most complex part is the handling of tracks (not surprisingly).

Track Classes


  • A Live.Track.Track is wrapped in a SimpleTrack
  • A SimpleTrack that is also a group track is mapped to an AbstractGroupTrack allowing seamless manipulation of different type of group tracks.
  • All track objects inherits from AbstractTrack enforcing a common interface.
  • Indeed, the track layout uses the Composite design pattern

Mini Glossary :

  • When I speak about Live.Track.Track I speak about the LOM object representing a track
  • When I speak about SimpleTrack or AbstractGroupTrack I’m talking about the classes I defined.
  • When I speak about a group track, I just mean a group track in a set (that is foldable and has sub tracks).

Contextual Explanation

This was tricky to set up, so I went in depth with this explanation

I’ve created the SimpleTrack class originally to make handling tracks easier than with the stock Live.Track.Track objects (because I can add my listeners, events, methods etc) and also to get a stronger typing experience. Conceptually they are simple and a one to one mapping to a track. In reality, I pimped them quite a bit.

What I really wanted when I started the script was to be able to manipulate group tracks as if they were a non group track (e.g. arming / soloing / recording etc …). This is because I wanted to record midi and audio in a group track at the same time, the group track representing actually one instrument (e.g. my prophet rev2).

So I created the AbstractGroupTrack which is another way of representing a group track and wraps a SimpleTrack (because all tracks are still SimpleTracks). But because all my tracks are already wrapped by a SimpleTrack, sub tracks of an AbstractGroupTrack are either SimpleTrack or AbstractGroupTrack (the Composite pattern !). And AbstractGroupTrack.base_track is this SimpleTrack while SimpleTrack.abstract_group_track is the opposite relationship. This base_track property somehow breaks the composite pattern, so I could maybe remove it one day.

What is conceptual here is that I’m creating a double mapping layer (iterating twice on the track list on set startup). The first layer is just SimpleTrack creation and is straightforward.

The second layer is the AbstractGroupTrack creation and is not as straightforward. I’m effectively mapping all group tracks of the set into subclasses of AbstractGroupTrack. But I’m still keeping the SimpleTrack mapping, it is necessary for several reasons, notably because the SimpleTrack handles access to the underlying LOM objects, but also because non-foldable tracks are always simply SimpleTracks

The only thing complicated here is that each group track is both a SimpleTrack and an AbstractGroupTrack. Both objects can access the other and that’s part of the glue between the 2 layers.

One touchy thing with this setup is for example if we have nested group tracks then we will effectively have the two layer setup with SimpleTrack group track objects having SimpleTrack sub tracks and AbstractGroupTrack having either AbstractGroupTrack or SimpleTrack sub tracks.

So it means that when accessing an AbstractGroupTrack sub tracks we have either classes (so actually : List[AbstractTrack]). But when accessing the same Live track from its SimpleTrack wrapped object (when we do track.base_track) its own sub tracks are : List[SimpleTrack]. I’m always accessing sub tracks with the former technique.

It’s a bit convoluted but for me, it means AbstractTracks are the interface to the controller and what the interface sees. They handle logic but leave implementation details to the lower SimpleTracks layer. The lower layer handles all the tiny lom logic and listeners and emit their own events when necessary.

Details :

  • SimpleTrack: one to one mapping with Live.Track.Track. Composes the sub tracks of

  • AbstractGroupTrack (abstract) : One to one on a Live group track (mapped to a SimpleTrack ofc) and managing its own sub_tracks.

    Sub tracks of an AbstractGroupTrack can access their SimpleTrack group_track by self.group_track (as any grouped track) and abstract_group_track (AbstractGroupTrack) by self.abstract_group_track. Subclassed by

    • SimpleGroupTrack : A group track with no specific behavior.
    • ExternalSynthTrack. Allows recording an external synth easily: abstraction track wrapping :
      • A midi SimpleMidiTrack
      • An audio SimpleAudioTrack
      • An audio SimpleAudioTailTrack : to record clip tails
      • One or many SimpleDummyTracks : because clip automation doesn’t exist for group tracks.
  • AbstractTrack : top of the inheritance hierarchy for any track object (and an abstract class). This class groups all common attributes and methods that are indeed the interface of any track object. Including :

    • self.base_track is always the SimpleTrack itself, or the group_track in the case of an AbstractGroupTrack
    • self._track is the underlying Live.Track.Track object (and == self.base_track._track)
    • self.group_track is the SimpleTrack mapping of self._track.group_track
    • self.abstract_group_track is the AbstractGroupTrack parent if it exists

Global track objects and lists

TrackService private track list

Starting with a Live.Track.Track object, 2 layers of abstraction are necessary to map the Live track object to our own tracAbstractGroupTrack object:

  • _live_track_id_to_simple_track : maps a Live.Track.Track id to a SimpleTrack object
  • The AbstractGroupTrack are reached through the SimpleTrack.abstract_group_tracks

With this single list we can reach the right level of abstraction from e.g. Live.Song.Song.selected_track

Track Lists in SongFacade

  • SongFacade.simple_tracks() : a List of SimpleTrack (that is len(song.simple_tracks) == len(tracks) (in a Live set except master and return tracks)
  • SongFacade.abstract_tracks() : the top track layer as they most specific form (that is SimpleTrack for lone tracks and AbstractGroupTracks for the group tracks).

Regarding my explanation above, the first list is the lower level, and the second a part (because only top tracks) of the higher track mapping layer.

Track Objects in SongFacade

  • SongFacade.selected_track() : the selected SimpleTrack object
  • SongFacade.current_track() : the most iconic getter of the script. It equals SongFacade.selected_track().abstract_group_track or SongFacade.selected_track(). And indeed always outputs the appropriate abstraction level from the currently selected_track. This property allows transparent track manipulation from the controller

Track, Clip_slot and Clip generation

Maintaining state through LOM changes

The underlying lom objects do not change (even though the index in e.g. <Track.Track object at 0x000000009AFAD6C8>) changes ..). Moreover, the _live_ptr property on all objects will stay the same.

As objects don’t change it is possible to reuse existing objects so that’s what I’m doing when I have a track change or scene change. Reusing all my tracks objects and taking care of rebuilding my clip slots (e.g. on scene add) while reusing existing ones. Like this my state is preserved while the set is open.

Asynchronous tasks and scheduling

When the code cannot be executed synchronously (some LOM changes are asynchronous, dispatching keystrokes and clicks is also asynchronous etc ..) we need to defer methods to be run later. There are 2 ways to handle this : either by listening on LOM properties (if possible, preferred way) or by delaying callbacks using a (static) timer.

Here are the 2 ways of scheduling asynchronous tasks in the code :

  • The clean one is to listen to changes on the LOM by setting up listeners.
    • It should be used wherever it is possible (See explanations in this doc). Obviously this technique works only when the changes can be observed by listening to observable properties.
  • The other way is to wait for a constant duration instead of having a reactive workflow. This usually happens in the following cases :
    • We cannot set up listeners on objects (some properties are not listenable)
    • Maybe the change will not be reflected in the LOM (e.g. showing a VST doesn’t trigger a LOM event).
    • It just seems easier to define a duration in ms than to set up some complicated listener pattern

This second way works by leveraging a timer loop given by the Live API. It seems to be the only way possible as using threading.timer does not work and is detailed in the timer scheduling following section.


Using events is mandatory for any asynchronous stuff and usually useful for sync stuff as well. I’m using them quite often.

I’m using them in two ways :

  • Low level LOM events are handled via the Live event system :
    • Use them by subclassing SlotManagerand using the subject_slot decorator
    • This approach is here as the low level event interface to the LOM and it works perfectly
    • But Live events have several issues
      • They are more notifications than events, there is no payload
      • They use monkey patching which is dirty and cannot be checked by mypy
      • The code seems very complicated for what it does
      • As a consequence its not so easy to integrate into it. Thats why I’ve dropped a past integration and now use my own event system.
  • High level Domain events are handled by myself
    • I’ve setup a simple event bus
    • Every time I feel the need to decouple stuff or emit events I create a simple object event and dispatch it
    • Any component can listen to any event and optionally check its payload (it’s global state really but fine for this not so big codebase).
    • These events are integrated to the Sequence pattern (see below) allowing simple composition of events and actions
    • I really like events more and more and I’ve used them quite a lot to decouple objects together, in a way not so far from js frameworks like vue.
  • NB : For closer scope low level events I’m also using the Observer pattern.

The Sequence class

This is my solution for doing asynchronous stuff in Live.

It exploits the Live listener system, the Live Timer as well as my own events

Everything is wrapped in a simple class that will execute all the code it is given timely by reacting to different events.

It ressembles the _Framework Task class, but I’ve added some more features on it. It also ressembles a poor implementation of asyncio.

It works well, but the Sequence.add only accepts functions, so it means using a lot of partial and lambda

  • A Sequence usually represents a number of statements (usually a whole method) and a SequenceStep one statement (usually a method call)
  • A SequenceStep is often a method call that returns a Sequence. That is Sequences can be nested allowing deep asynchronous method calls.
  • A Sequence should never be passed to the called code but instead the called code should return its own sequence to be appended (and executed) to the calling one (see the code)
  • A Sequence instantiation should always finish by calling Sequence.done() which starts the sequence.
    • Why should the sequence always be started explicitly by the inner code ? Well it’s because it allows the Sequence pattern to be hidden from the calling code. A method using the Sequence pattern can be called synchronously, and we are insured the Sequence will be called.

Attention: The called code is going to be called synchronously, any data lookup (e.g. on Live API) is going to be computed at sequence instantiation time and not at sequence runtime.

If you don’t want this behavior to happen, wrap your lookup calls in a method as a single step. But the fast way to solve this is to do lookups in lambda functions.

Asynchronous behavior declaration

The code can declare asynchronous behavior in different ways:

  • via seq.wait(<ticks>) which leverages Live.Base.Timer tick for tasks where we have a rough idea of the delay we want (see below)
  • via seq.wait_beats(<beats) (or wait_bars) that leverages the current_song_time Live event (see BeatScheduler)
  • via the seq.wait_for_event(<event>) that will continue sequence execution when one of my own events is fired

Example usage

class TrackCrudComponent(object):
    def duplicate_track(self, index):
        # type: (int) -> Sequence
        seq = Sequence()
        return seq.done()
  • A sequence step should always wait for its completion and not expect the next step to handle any timeout or checks. Like this any step can always be assured that it executes after the previous one has succeeded

Using timers

They are (to my knowledge) 2 ways of scheduling asynchronous tasks via timers using the Live API. Both leverage a timer that runs every n millisecond so that a task (a callable) can not be called faster than this interval

Via ControlSurface.schedule_message

  • The tick interval is about 100ms +- 20ms (roughly)
  • called via ControlSurface.schedule_message(delay_in_ticks: int, callable: Callable)
  • This seems to be the historical way of scheduling tasks using timers and the easiest way also as the tasks and timing management is handled by the framework
  • I’m not using it, it’s too slow

Via Live.Base.Timer

  • The tick interval is much shorter (around 17ms +- 3ms on my machine)
  • This way the handling of the task queue needs to be done by the script (not so complicated)
  • This technique is used by the push2 code and also by clyphx

As the 2nd method is the fastest that’s what I used. The numbers associated to wait parameters always refer to this tick interval.

Changes cannot be triggered by notification error

This infamous error appears when we want to apply modifications to the LOM in the same tick we received a notification (that is a listener was triggered somewhere). Not all changes to the LOM trigger this error, only certain property changes.

It is quite boring and there might be a clean solution to handling this. I didn’t find it and so there are a lot of places where I defer changes by using Scheduler.defer or Sequence.defer or @defer. This just delays the callable execution to the next tick. It is inconvenient for 2 reasons :

  • It makes the following method code asynchronous, and we need to transform it using lambda and partial
  • Second it is not so clear why there are all these defer because deferring can be done for other reasons as well

There are other ways to handle this (like defer everything done after a listener is called, or decorate methods raising this error). None of them is ideal, and I stuck with my current approach.

Interface and controls

The interface is exposed in the application/controlSurface folder. It is targeted at my FaderFox ec4 which is composed of 16 knobs. Knobs (or encoders) can send notes via press or CC via scroll.


  • extending ActionGroupMixin : corresponds to a midi configuration (or group) for the 16 knobs (the ec4 has many groups). A channel is assigned to it and all knobs of the group should trigger CC/Notes on that channel
  • MultiEncoder : corresponds to a knob on the EC4 and is assigned a midi identifier (for cc or Note).

As such, any controller with configurable note / cc can be used with this interface. But the controller should be configured to match the script Midi values and channels (or modify the script instead)

The MultiEncoder class handles different “moves” :

  • presses
  • long presses
  • scroll

Any of these moves will trigger “actions” (that is : execute a callable)


headstart for remote scripting


Here is all the doc I have found and used for building the script (plus a lot of articles and googling about python ofc)

  • The max for live documentation: It doesn’t show the full Live API but it has a nice diagram and is quite readable

  • The Structure void documentation: It’s simply a dump of the Live API. Not so readable but thorough

  • The Structure void remote scripts decompiled That’s what you need to have on your computer to understand the _Framework and ableton/v2 code

    NB : you can also simply decompile your remote scripts folder yourself.

  • The Clyphx Pro user manual That is interesting if you’ve decompiled the Clyphx source code. I’ve learnt a lot of things on remote scripting by checking out the code.


Pycharm of course.


Is done by adding some folders as content roots.

  • Adding decompiled version of framework or Ableton v2 is really necessary as it allows Pycharm to make its autocompletion magic
  • Adding as content root will allow pycharm to enable auto-completion on the Live module


I’m using python2.7’s typing module, and it helps a lot. the typing module is not available in the Live10 python build, so it is necessary to install it locally and insert the site-packages folder in sys.path before anything else in the top


Log formatting

I wrote a little python script (in my Protocol0-backend repo) that filters, colors and formats Ableton log file with only my script info (and errors). It helps a good deal.

Data model dump

I also have a LogService that can dump the most interesting part of my model data to the log file (to inspect the script state) and is mapped to one button of my controller.


I wrote a dummy Live stub that allows me to execute tests (pytest) and jupyter notebooks. It’s not at all thorough, but it allows me to completely load the script and even play with track objects.

Jupyter notebooks

I sometimes test script features using jupyter. It’s great for anything I don’t really need Live for.

Pytest unit tests

As for the jupyter notebooks it is possible to test parts of the script by using the dummy Live Stub. Like this we can test functions and classes that don’t interact too deeply with the Live API. I can also test stuff not related to the Live API like the Sequence code. Limited but useful.

Integration tests

I have an empty method in my ActionGroupTest that I use for testing features against Ableton.